CMS Surveyors complies with City of Sydney requirements
The City of Sydney Council has recently published their Survey Plan requirements for detail and level surveys to be submitted as part of a Development Application.

From a surveying point of view, it is satisfying to note that when the proposed works are within a metre, the City of Sydney requires the boundaries to be defined ie a full boundary survey must be carried out. While this, in some cases, may increase the cost of the Detail and Level Survey, it is the only guarantee that both the existing and proposed structures will be within the boundaries. Knowing the true position of the existing structures before any works are carried out ensures the Client has peace of mind before any design or construction begins.
City of Sydney also outlines their requirements for information to be included on the detail and level plan including:
- true north point, or relationship to true north
- Scale, generally 1:100 or 1:200
- Position of all existing structures, with floor level & ridge height of main building
- Position of existing structures on adjoining land within 3 metres of the boundary, including description, street number, floor level, ridge height, and window levels & locations in the walls closest to the side boundaries
- Levels – spot levels & existing contours related to Australian Height Datum (AHD) with bench mark details & origin of levels shown
- Trees – exact position, trunk diameter (if greater than 200mm), height, spread, & species (if known) – both on the subject site, and on adjoining land within 3 metres of the site boundaries
- All visible services within the site & council footway area, including stormwater pits
- & invert levels, hydrants, sewer manholes, Telstra pits etc.
- Concrete paths, vehicle crossings, kerb position with top of kerb levels, and kerb outlets
- Title boundaries with dimensions
- Location & type of all existing easements and rights of way including party walls and common walls
- Current documentary evidence (Section 88B instrument or dealings) relating to any easements or rights of carriageway which are to be relied upon (Ref:
A CMS Surveyors detail and level plan, as standard, includes all of the above City of Sydney requirements and more. Another point of difference that sets CMS Surveyors apart from others, and another requirement of the City of Sydney, is that every detail and level survey completed by CMS is fully ratified by a Registered Surveyor. That is why a CMS Surveyors detail and level plan is the preferred plan by many of Sydney’s top architects and building designers.